This is because a distributor does not collect the full gross, and the full cost of a film can substantially exceed its production budget once distribution and marketing is taken into account. This can be due to Hollywood accounting practices that typically manipulate profits or keep costs secret to avoid profit sharing agreements,1 but it is also possible for films to lose money legitimately even when the theatrical gross exceeds the budget. Many films on this list grossed more than their production budgets but yet are still regarded as flops.

Because the films on the list have been released over a large span of time currency inflation is also a factor that must be considered, so the losses are adjusted for inflation using the United States Consumer Price Index to enable a fair comparison. To accommodate this uncertainty the losses are presented as ranges where this is the case and the list is ordered alphabetically in the absence of a definitive order. Due to the secrecy surrounding costs and profit margins in the film industry, figures of losses are usually rough estimates at best, and there are often conflicting estimates over how much a film has lost. In the film and media industry, if a film released in theatres fails to break even by a large amount, it is considered a box office bomb or box office flop, thus losing money for the distributor, studio, andor production company that invested in it. After a car crash sends repressed cartoonist Stu Miley Fraser into a coma, he and the mischievous Monkeybone. Watch monkeybone 2001 full hd movie online. search whats new blog film scripts film transcripts tv stuff anime screenwriters. Join IMDb Pro for more detailsFree movie scripts letters ac. Best full cartoons videos streaming in fast high quality and hd1492 Pictures Filmography. Watch cartoon series list online free anywhere in the world. How many careers were ruined with that movie Surely the director, as well as the two stars, and a. I actually saw her in Monkeybone on the big screen.
The series began in July 2007 on YouTube, but after the website removed several episodes.

Nostalgia Critic is a web review series hosted by actorcomedian Doug Walker. The following list is limited to films that are potentially among the top one hundred box office losses, adjusted for inflation.